Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Using Corpora to Analyze Gender by Paul Baker

Using Corpora to Analyze Gender by Paul Baker

Using Corpora to Analyze Gender

Using Corpora to Analyze Gender by Paul Baker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Corpus linguistics uses specialist software to identify linguistic patterns in large computerised collections of text - patterns which then must be interpreted and explained by human researchers.

This book critically explores how corpus linguistics techniques can help analysis of language and gender by conducting a number of case studies on topics which include: directives in spoken conversations, changes in sexist and non-sexist language use over time, personal adverts, press representation of gay men, and the ways that boys and girls are constructed through language. The book thus covers both gendered usage (e.g. how do males and females use language differently, or not, from each other), and gendered representations (e.g. in what ways are males and females written or spoken about). Additionally, the book shows ways that readers can either explore their own hypotheses, or approach the corpus from a "naïve?? position, letting the data drive their analysis from the outset.

The book covers a range of techniques and measures including frequencies, keywords, collocations, dispersion, word sketches, downsizing and triangulation, all in an accessible style.

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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olsen

Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olsen

Night of the Grizzlies

Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olsen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

book, used novel

From reader reviews:

Mary Muncy:

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PDF⋙ Pilates Reformer Applications for Pregnancy by Carolyne Anthony

Pilates Reformer Applications for Pregnancy by Carolyne Anthony

Pilates Reformer Applications for Pregnancy

Pilates Reformer Applications for Pregnancy by Carolyne Anthony PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Up to date information on using the Pilates Reformer during pregnancy. Build a safe and beneficial exercise program for yourself or your client. Recommended for pilates instructors

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Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Opening a Closed Door: A Psychotherapist Remembers His Patients by Alexander Boeringa

Opening a Closed Door: A Psychotherapist Remembers His Patients by Alexander Boeringa

Opening a Closed Door: A Psychotherapist Remembers His Patients

Opening a Closed Door: A Psychotherapist Remembers His Patients by Alexander Boeringa PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What is psychotherapy and what happens in a therapy session? Books, movies, and television often provide a biased or romantic view. Not here. OPENING A CLOSED DOOR: A PSYCHOTHERAPIST REMEMBERS HIS PATIENTS consists of sixty-eight vignettes drawn from the author's true-life experiences as a clinical psychologist. He has worked at VA hospitals and outpatient clinics, as faculty at a medical school, and in private practice. In all these venues, he cared about his patients, and remembers and honors them to this day. Some stories may have you laughing and others might bring tears to your eyes but you will remember each of the people you meet in these pages. The short case histories are grouped in several classifications, such as "The Young," "Fun," "Scary," and "Sexy." The author even shares some of his own therapy experience. Dr. Boeringa, like his patients, will become a real person to you. An appendix contains his thoughts about therapy in general. The book may bring to mind the stories written by Oliver Sacks yet it is unique in that it narrates psychological cases. Fascinating to a wide variety of curious readers, it can also be an engaging mystery, and provides both a good read and interesting information. Here is what really happens behind the scenes in therapy. This book will acquaint you with people who have faced universal human issues. Perhaps some of the problems presented are similar to those you or someone you know has encountered. With sensitivity and caring on the part of both patient and doctor, many of these problems are resolved, but not all. This is a book to re-read, give, share and discuss. It offers thought-provoking material for any book club. After reading the book, the reader's one remaining question might be: "When does the next book come out?"

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PDF⋙ Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica. by Martin R. de la Peña, Maurice Rumboll

Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica. by Martin R. de la Peña, Maurice Rumboll

Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica.

Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica. by Martin R. de la Peña, Maurice Rumboll PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

South America, though home to about one-third of the world's bird species and twice as many endemic families of birds as any other continent, has the world's sparsest population of birdwatchers. Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica illustrates and describes all the known species--more than 1,000 of them--in a vast swath of this underexplored birder's paradise, from Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil, and Uruguay to parts of Antarctica. Just some of the birds it covers are teals, tinamous, chachalacas, conebills, cuckoos, macaws, parakeets, parrots, penguins, nightjars, hummingbirds, ovenbirds, tyrants, and tanagers. The habitats range from torrid rainforests and cloudforests to grasslands, the world's driest desert, second highest mountain range, and ice caps.

The 97 color plates depict each species' male in breeding plumage, with the female and young often shown as well. On the facing page are concise textual descriptions of each species, highlighting not only salient physical features and behavioral patterns but the calls or songs of each. Casual birders and ornithologists contemplating a journey to the region, or simply interested in a one-volume overview of its bird life, will not want to miss this book.

From reader reviews:

Cornell Neal:

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Senin, 14 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Guinea Pigs 2012

Guinea Pigs 2012

Guinea Pigs 2012

Guinea Pigs 2012 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Black Lagoon, Vol. 4 by Rei Hiroe

Black Lagoon, Vol. 4 by Rei Hiroe

Black Lagoon, Vol. 4

Black Lagoon, Vol. 4 by Rei Hiroe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

R to L (Japanese Style)

Lock n' load with the baddest soldiers of fortune ever to hit the high seas of Southeast Asia! Aboard their World War II era torpedo boat, the Black Lagoon, Dutch the Boss, Benny the Mechanic, Revy Two Hand, and Rock, the salaryman from Japan, deliver anything, anywhere. In the dangerous underworld of the Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Colombian drug cartels, crazed assassins, and ruthless mercenaries, it's hard to know who to trust. But if you've got a delivery to make, and you don't mind a little property damage along the way, you can count on the crew of the Black Lagoon!

The action shifts to chilly midwinter Tokyo, where Balalaika hires Rock as her interpreter, and Revy comes along as Rock's bodyguard. The Washimine-gumi, a Yakuza family on its way down, wants to make a deal with Hotel Moscow. Soon, however, the yakuza realize they might have been better off making a deal with the Devil himself! As the pressure builds, Rock faces the reality of his outlaw life, and Revy meets her match in the Washimine's number-one enforcer. The icy streets of Tokyo are about to burn red-hot!

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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Steve Goodman: Facing the Music by Clay Eals

Steve Goodman: Facing the Music by Clay Eals

Steve Goodman: Facing the Music

Steve Goodman: Facing the Music by Clay Eals PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Book by Eals, Clay

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Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Bed-Knob and Broomstick (A Combined Edition of: "The Magic Bed-Knob" and "Bonfires and Broomsticks") by Mary Norton

Bed-Knob and Broomstick (A Combined Edition of: "The Magic Bed-Knob" and "Bonfires and Broomsticks") by Mary Norton

Bed-Knob and Broomstick (A Combined Edition of: The Magic Bed-Knob and Bonfires and Broomsticks)

Bed-Knob and Broomstick (A Combined Edition of: "The Magic Bed-Knob" and "Bonfires and Broomsticks") by Mary Norton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Magic Bed-Knob and Bonfires and Broomsticks in one volume. These are the exploits of the three Wilson children; Miss Price, the apprentice witch; and the flying bed. A tale of a witch-in-training and trouble of the most unforgettable kind.

From reader reviews:

Charles Jones:

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Read Bed-Knob and Broomstick (A Combined Edition of: "The Magic Bed-Knob" and "Bonfires and Broomsticks") by Mary Norton for online ebook

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Senin, 07 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (American Casebook Series) by Thomas Aleinikoff, David Martin, Hiroshi Motomura, Maryellen Fullerton, Juliet Stumpf

Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (American Casebook Series) by Thomas Aleinikoff, David Martin, Hiroshi Motomura, Maryellen Fullerton, Juliet Stumpf

Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (American Casebook Series)

Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (American Casebook Series) by Thomas Aleinikoff, David Martin, Hiroshi Motomura, Maryellen Fullerton, Juliet Stumpf PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The eighth edition of this pioneering casebook continues its tradition of comprehensive coverage, with problems and exercises that allow students to hone skills as counselors, as litigators, and as policy advisors. At the same time, the casebook helps students understand how immigration and citizenship law illuminates essential aspects of constitutional and administrative law and plays a key role in current political debates. This new edition is leaner, with significant reworking, thinning, and updating of core chapters on admissions categories, admission procedures, and removability. It also reflects the latest developments in federal enforcement, as well as state and local measures for both immigration enforcement and the integration of unauthorized migrants. The casebook incorporates important recent doctrinal changes, while trimming overall length.

From reader reviews:

Matthew Waddell:

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PDF⋙ Technical Analysis, Study Guide (Wiley Finance) by Jack D. Schwager

Technical Analysis, Study Guide (Wiley Finance) by Jack D. Schwager

Technical Analysis, Study Guide (Wiley Finance)

Technical Analysis, Study Guide (Wiley Finance) by Jack D. Schwager PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The definitive guide to technical analysis . . . written from a trader's perspective

With the keen insight and perspective that have made him a market legend, Jack D. Schwager explores, explains, and examines the application of technical analysis in futures trading. In the most in-depth, comprehensive book available, the bestselling investment writer demonstrates why he is one of today's foremost authorities. Here is the one volume no trader should be without.

"Jack Schwager has accomplished the rarest of feats in this book. He has presented material in a way that both the professional and layman can profit from. It is a must read for traders on all levels." - Stanley Druckenmillern Managing Director, Soros Fund Management

"Jack Schwager's Technical Analysis is exactly what one should expect from this expert on futures. The book is comprehensive, thoroughly insightful, and highly educational. I recommend it to the beginner as well as the expert." - Leo Melamed Chairman, Sakura Dellsher, Inc.

"Jack Schwager possesses a remarkable ability to extract the important elements of complex, market-timing approaches, and distill that into something intelligible and useful. Not only is he able to present these ideas cleverly in an easily understood format, but he also demonstrates their application to the markets with clarity and precision." - Thomas R. DeMark Author, The New Science of Technical Analysis

"Jack Schwager's book, A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets, was one of the best books I have read on futures trading. We give a copy of it to all our new analysts. Jack's latest work, Technical Analysis, looks like a gold mine of information, adding significantly to the existing investment literature." - Monroe Trout President, Trout Trading Management Co.

Jack Schwager is one of the most important and visible figures in the futures industry today. His Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards are two of the bestselling finance titles of all time. Now, in the latest volume in the Schwager on Futures series, Technical Analysis, Schwager has created the most comprehensive guide ever for using technical analysis for futures trading. What makes Technical Analysis unique, besides its in-depth coverage, is that it is written from a trader's perspective. Schwager doesn't merely cover the subject, he explores what works and doesn't work in the real world of trading.

Contains a comprehensive guide to chart analysis written with a particular focus on trading applications
* Includes a separate 200+ page section illustrating the use of chart analysis in the real world
* Details and illustrates several original trading systems
* Includes a self-contained primer on cyclical analysis
* Describes popular oscillators, the pitfalls in their common use, and guidelines to their successful application in trading
* Explains the concept and use of "continuous futures" and compares 10-year continuous futures charts with conventional nearest futures charts for all major U.S. futures markets
* Contains a section on trading strategy and philosophy, including over 100 trading tips

Hundreds of charts, tables, and examples illustrate key points throughout, while the text is written in the informative, insightful, and nontechnical style that has made Jack Schwager one of the most highly regarded and bestselling investment authors ever. This invaluable book by one of the world's foremost authorities is destined to become the premier industry guide on technical analysis for many years to come.

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Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Executive Reports: The Lawyer's Industry Guide for Client Acquisition & Retention: 100+ C-Level Executives (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, Partner) From the ... on the Inner Workings of Their Business by Aspatore Books Staff

Executive Reports: The Lawyer's Industry Guide for Client Acquisition & Retention: 100+ C-Level Executives (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, Partner) From the ... on the Inner Workings of Their Business by Aspatore Books Staff

Executive Reports: The Lawyer's Industry Guide for Client Acquisition & Retention: 100+ C-Level Executives (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, Partner) From the ... on the Inner Workings of Their Business

Executive Reports: The Lawyer's Industry Guide for Client Acquisition & Retention: 100+ C-Level Executives (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, Partner) From the ... on the Inner Workings of Their Business by Aspatore Books Staff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This insider look at over 30 major industries and professions, written by over 200 C-Level executives is ideal for landing new clients, keeping up to speed on a wide variety of industries, and when you need to "get smart fast" on a particular topic. Each industry overview has sections written by current, leading C-Level executives (CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CMOs, Partners) from companies such as GE, Coke, Amex, Duke Energy and other blue chip companies from every major industry that enables you to speak intelligently with anyone after being "briefed" by a leading executive from that industry.

Financial Services
Health Care
Investment Banking
Public Relations
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Venture Capital

Advanced Fibre Coummunications
American Express
American Standard Companies
AmeriVest Properties
AT&T Wireless
Bank of America
BDO Seidman
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Booz-Allen Hamilton
Credit Suisse First Boston
Deutsche Bank
Duke Energy
Ernst & Young
Ford Motor Co.
General Electric
Interpublic Group
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Merrill Lynch
Micron Technology
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VoiceStream Wireless
Webster Financial Corporation
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Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Whole Cooking and Nutrition: An Everyday Superfoods Approach to Planning, Cooking, and Eating with Diabetes by Katie Cavuto

Whole Cooking and Nutrition: An Everyday Superfoods Approach to Planning, Cooking, and Eating with Diabetes by Katie Cavuto

Whole Cooking and Nutrition: An Everyday Superfoods Approach to Planning, Cooking, and Eating with Diabetes

Whole Cooking and Nutrition: An Everyday Superfoods Approach to Planning, Cooking, and Eating with Diabetes by Katie Cavuto PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The food in a kitchen is capable of so much, from delivering the simple pleasures of a good meal to bringing friends and family together. It's also filled with the ingredients you need to help heal your body, prevent disease and other health conditions, boost your energy level, and even improve your mood.

In her debut cookbook, chef Katie Cavuto, MS, RD, introduces home cooks to 75 nutrient-rich, disease-fighting ingredients every cook should have, and presents more than 100 simple yet inventive recipes that prove healthy meals can be as delicious as they are nourishing. As a chef, registered dietitian, national media personality, and expert in her field, as well as the official dietitian for the Philadelphia Phillies, Katie has based her entire career on nourishment and the healing power of food. Home cooks of all skill levels can learn how to find inspiration in whole foods, improve family eating habits and overall health, and truly enjoy the time they spend in the kitchen and at the table.

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Sun Byrd:

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Ollie Nadeau:

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Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Jesus' Appearances and Disappearances in Luke 24 (Biblical Interpretation Series) by Tilborg

Jesus' Appearances and Disappearances in Luke 24 (Biblical Interpretation Series) by Tilborg

Jesus' Appearances and Disappearances in Luke 24 (Biblical Interpretation Series)

Jesus' Appearances and Disappearances in Luke 24 (Biblical Interpretation Series) by Tilborg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This volume gives an exegetical analysis of the post-resurrection stories in Luke 24 as narratives about Jesus appearances and disappearances. In the book two different perspectives have been used. Part one is on the frontline of scientific discourse. The Lukan text is analyzed via a theoretical model -a model of mental imagination- which is derived from cognitive linguistics. Three analytical steps are taken: a deictic analysis, an analysis of the perspective and an analysis of the relationship between figure and ground. In part two the same text is studied from a sociological point of view: an analysis of the background of Jesus death, his burial and his existence after death. What distinguishes this part of the study from most other exegetical studies is the attention to the reception of the texts within Hellenistic culture."

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Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops Book 2) by Paige Tyler

Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops Book 2) by Paige Tyler

Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops Book 2)

Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops Book 2) by Paige Tyler PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Nonstop action and hair-raising storytelling done well. This series gets better and better."-RT Book Reviews, 4 ½ Stars

Leaving him was Impossible...
It took everything she had for FBI Special Agent Danica Beckett to walk away from the man she loved. But if she wants to save his life, she has to keep her distance. Now, with a killer on the loose and the stakes higher than ever before, the Department of Covert Ops is forcing these former lovers into an uneasy alliance...whether they like it or not.

Seeing her again is even worse
The last thing Clayne Buchanan wants is to be shackled to the woman who broke his heart. She gets under his skin in a way no one ever has and makes him want things he has no right to anymore. All he has to do is suffer through this case and he can be free of her for good. But when Clayne finds out why Danica left in the first place, everything he's tried to bury comes roaring back-and there's no way this wolf shifter is going to let her get away this time.

X-Ops Series
Her Perfect Mate
Her Lone Wolf
Her Secret Agent
Her Wild Hero

Praise for Her Perfect Mate:
"A wild, hot, and sexy ride. I loved it!"-Terry Spear, USA Today bestselling author of A SEAL in Wolf's Clothing
"Absolutely perfect. One of the best books I've read in years."-Kate Douglas, bestselling author of the Wolf Tales series

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Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Bloodlines (Magic: The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle, Bk. IV) by Loren L. Coleman

Bloodlines (Magic: The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle, Bk. IV) by Loren L. Coleman

Bloodlines (Magic: The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle, Bk. IV)

Bloodlines (Magic: The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle, Bk. IV) by Loren L. Coleman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Blood has been spilled. Battle lines have been drawn.

Time is getting short as Tolaria races to find the one who will wield the power of the Legacy. Deep in the inner circle, the dark lord Yawgmoth sends out an edict: Kill Urza Planeswalker.

From the bloodlines of the Benalish plains, a hero is born.

From reader reviews:

Lyman Johnson:

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Brad Sharpe:

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Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Ludwig Van Beethoven - Des Krieger's Abschied - Woo143 - A Score for Voice and Piano by Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Des Krieger's Abschied - Woo143 - A Score for Voice and Piano by Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Des Krieger's Abschied - Woo143 - A Score for Voice and Piano

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Des Krieger's Abschied - Woo143 - A Score for Voice and Piano by Ludwig Van Beethoven PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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