Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ The Logic of Introspection Or, Method in Mental Science. by John Brodhead. Wentworth

The Logic of Introspection Or, Method in Mental Science. by John Brodhead. Wentworth

The Logic of Introspection Or, Method in Mental Science.

The Logic of Introspection Or, Method in Mental Science. by John Brodhead. Wentworth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1886. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER V. Criticism Of Mccosh On The Intuitions, Continued. Positive And Glaring Contradictions Into Which His Method Carried Him. We come next to consider some of the positively antagonistic positions and statements, into which this author was driven by the principles of his Method. And the serious and glaring nature of the self-contradictions into which he was betrayed, by the mode of investigation he pursued, demonstrates most conclusively the falsity of his rules of philosophizing; for, had his rules of philosophizing been truthful, and adapted to the nature of the subject in hand, they would not have landed him at length in the grossest and most glaring contradictions. Sec. I. He denies the Intuitions to be Intuitions. And here let the fact be called to mind, that the work of Dr. McCosh, which we are examining, is professedly devoted entirely to the Intuitions, as its title would indicate. And yet, he assumes to take up and discuss, at great length, certain axiomatic, or reflex and necessary, truths of Reason, which, he says, are " constructed," and their truth discovered, by a process of Induction. From the prominence given to these truths by him, however, we should infer, and should be entitled to infer, that he still recognized them as Intuitions. But upon this point, we are not left to supposition and inference. I. He, expressly and frequently, attributes to them an Intuitional origin and nature, in those parts of his book, where he is not immediately employed in explaining and applying the principles of his Method. Until constrained by logical necessity, after he had laid down and explained the principles of his system of Psychologic Inquiry, and supposed them to be thoroughly insinuated into the minds of his readers, did he hardly dare to outrage com...

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