Linux Administration: A Beginners Guide, Sixth Edition by Wale Soyinka
Linux Administration: A Beginners Guide, Sixth Edition by Wale Soyinka PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Essential Linux Management Skills Made Easy
Effectively deploy and maintain Linux and other Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) on your servers or entire network using this practical resource. Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition provides up-to-date details on the latest Linux distributions, including Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Learn how to install and customize Linux, work from the GUI or command line, configure Internet and intranet services, interoperate with Windows systems, and create reliable backups. Performance tuning, security, and virtualization are also covered and real-world examples help you put the techniques presented into practice.
- Install and configure popular Linux distributions, including the latest versions of Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, Debian, and Ubuntu
- Administer Linux servers from the GUI or from the command line (shell)
- Manage users, permissions, folders, and native FOSS applications
- Compile, tune, upgrade, and customize the latest Linux kernel 3.x series
- Work with proc, SysFS, and cgroup file systems
- Understand and manage the Linux TCP/IP networking stack and services for both IPv4 and IPv6
- Build robust firewalls, and routers using Netfilter and Linux
- Create and maintain print, e-mail, FTP, and web servers
- Use LDAP or NIS for identity management
- Set up and administer DNS, POP3, IMAP3, and DHCP servers
- Use GlusterFS, NFS, and Samba for sharing and distributing file system resources
- Explore and implement Linux virtualization technologies using KVM
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