Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Falk Symposium)
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Falk Symposium) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
There is currently an explosive growth of basic and clinical research in inflammatory bowel diseases. The extensive interest of the medical community in these diseases is largely explained by the devastating impact the illnesses have on the quality of life, their high prevalence in the community, and the fact that so many medical disciplines are involved in tackling the immensely complex studies on pathogenesis, clinical expression and treatment possibilities.The Falk Symposium No. 85 held in The Hague, the Netherlands, 29 June-1 July 1995 brought together over 80 speakers and 1000 participants from all over the world. Plenary sessions and workshops allowed the discussion of basic and clinical research, enabling appropriate choices to be made. Topics reflected areas of high current basic research interest, clinical importance, and actual or future treatment potential.
Audience: An important work for all disciplines involved in research and therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases.
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