Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Morning Has Broken: Hymn Tunes of the British Isles by Penny Rodriguez

Morning Has Broken: Hymn Tunes of the British Isles by Penny Rodriguez

Morning Has Broken: Hymn Tunes of the British Isles

Morning Has Broken: Hymn Tunes of the British Isles by Penny Rodriguez PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Incorporating ten traditional hymn tunes from the British Isles, Penny Rodriguez lends her personal pianistic style to nine fresh settings for the church pianist. Though well crafted and fully realized, these appealing vignettes have an improvisatory nature and allow ample latitude for the performer to apply a personal interpretive imprint. The ultimate result, however, is a musically satisfying presentation of some of the most beloved melodies from the rich heritage of hymnody from Great Britain. Moderately easy to medium difficulty.

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