Teaching the Nature of Science: Perspectives & Resources by Douglas Allchin
Teaching the Nature of Science: Perspectives & Resources by Douglas Allchin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Echoing the spirit of Andy Warhol's striking images of familiar icons, Douglas Allchin uses vivid insights from the history of science to help us rethink commonplace views about how science works. This book is a valuable guide for reflecting about the nature of science (NOS)--and for teaching about it effectively. Teaching the Nature of Science maps the challenges in preparing scientifically literate citizens for the 21st century. How do we assess the reliability of scientific claims? How do we learn how science works--or sometimes doesn't work? How do common cultural images of science subtly shape our thinking? Allchin leads us on an adventure through the errors of a Nobel Prize winner, misleading ''myth-conceptions'' of famous scientists, the hidden complexity behind Mendel's genetics and Boyle's law, and the politics and science of Galileo's trial and of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. This is essential reading for every science teacher and anyone involved in science education.From reader reviews:
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