Minggu, 27 September 2015

PDF⋙ The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran (Islamicate Intellectual History) by Alexandra Dunietz

The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran (Islamicate Intellectual History) by Alexandra Dunietz

The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran (Islamicate Intellectual History)

The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran (Islamicate Intellectual History) by Alexandra Dunietz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In The Cosmic Perils of Qadi usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran Alexandra Dunietz explores the life and works of a provincial judge during a time of tribal rivalries and millennial expectations. During the decades preceding the rise of the Safavid regime and the establishment of Shi ism throughout Iran, Maybud participated in a network of intellectuals, administrators, and mystics, wrote prolifically, and worked as a judge within the Ak Koyunlu sphere. Drawing upon Maybud s commentaries and correspondence, the work focuses on the judge s education, complex commentary on the poetry of Al, the foundational figure of Shi ism, his professional life, and his death during a rebellion against Safavid control of his hometown. Maybud exemplified the natural development of relations between Sunnis and Shiis, provincial elites and central authorities, rationalist philosophers and devotees of the esoteric."

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The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Usayn Maybud in Fifteenth-Century Iran (Islamicate Intellectual History) by Alexandra Dunietz EPub

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