Jacobus Kloppenburg: The Artchive for the Future by Patrick Healy, Waldo Bien
Jacobus Kloppenburg: The Artchive for the Future by Patrick Healy, Waldo Bien PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Born in Amsterdam in 1930, Jacobus Kloppenburg reflects the ideal of the "homo universalis" as an artist, designer and musician, as a man of many talents and profound learning. Although his works are found at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, it is his "Artchive for the Future Trashethical Litterarture" project that garners the most attention. Located in his Amsterdam studio, this completely unique archive grew, over the course of several decades, into a "Gesamtkunstwerk", a total artwork. This bizarre construction, made up of objets trouvés, furniture and images, became the victim of renovation efforts in the late 1990s. With this publication, important documentation on the contemporary development of a highly unusual artist has been preserved and made available to the public. This volume shows a cross section of his work ranging from early paintings through photo collages all the way to the rooms he created.From reader reviews:
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