Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Anna Pavlova: Twentieth Century Ballerina by Jane Pritchard, Caroline Hamilton

Anna Pavlova: Twentieth Century Ballerina by Jane Pritchard, Caroline Hamilton

Anna Pavlova: Twentieth Century Ballerina

Anna Pavlova: Twentieth Century Ballerina by Jane Pritchard, Caroline Hamilton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The great ballerina Anna Pavlova (1881–1931) began her career with the Imperial Russian Ballet in 1909, moved to Paris to dance with Vaslav Nijinsky in Sergei Diaghilev’s famous Ballets Russes, and formed her own dance company in London in 1912. Like celebrities of today, she toured the world, endorsed beauty products and department stores, appeared in fashion magazines, and even made a Hollywood movie. But her passion was always ballet, which she sought to bring to as wide an audience as possible. Many of the works she brought with her from Russia are regarded as the foundation of today’s classic ballet repertoire. Created to celebrate the centenary of the founding of Pavlova’s English dance company, this book offers an intimate look at the legendary ballerina whose name still resonates 80 years after her death.

This richly illustrated book has now been revised to include an entirely new chapter on Pavlova's tours to North and South America, as well as new images of Pavlova with Charlie Chaplin. Anna Pavlova: Twentieth-Century Ballerina takes a fascinating look at the iconic star whose career spanned Russia and the West in the first half of the century, showing how she became the most influential dancer of the time.

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