Shot: Staying Alive with Diabetes by Amy F. Ryan
Shot: Staying Alive with Diabetes by Amy F. Ryan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Shot is an intimate portrait of a young woman's sudden transition to type 1 diabetes. Treatment for a routine infection one Monday morning yielded, with stunning speed, to a glucose monitor, test strips, and a life-altering diagnosis.
In Shot, Amy Ryan shows what it really takes to live with and manage an incurable disease. She charts the essential duties that keep her stable while revealing the daily concerns, the simple rewards and victories, the fears of highs and lows, and the psychological strain of depending on herself, a drug, and a network of health care providers to stay alive with diabetes.
People who manage life-threatening diseases will recognize their own struggles in Amy's compelling story. The millions who care for and support family, friends, or patients with diabetes will have their eyes opened to the human side of living with a chronic condition.
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