Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ The Art of Short Selling (A Marketplace Book) by Marketplace Books

The Art of Short Selling (A Marketplace Book) by Marketplace Books

The Art of Short Selling (A Marketplace Book)

The Art of Short Selling (A Marketplace Book) by Marketplace Books PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A one-of-a-kind book that shows you how to cash in on the latest investing trend--short selling

"The Art of Short Selling is the best description of this difficult technique."--John Train, Train, Thomas, Smith Investment Counsel, and author of The New Money Masters

"Kathryn Staley has done a masterful job explaining the highly specialized art of short selling. Her approach to telling the true stories of famous investment 'scams' will keep the reader spellbound, while teaching the investor many crucial lessons."--David W. Tice, Portfolio Manager, Prudent Bear Fund

"Selling short is still a misunderstood discipline, but even the most raging bull needs to know this valuable technique to master the ever-changing markets."--Jim Rogers, author, Investment Biker

On the investment playing field, there is perhaps no game more exciting than short selling. With the right moves, it can yield high returns; one misstep, however, can have disastrous consequences. Despite the risk, a growing number of players are anteing up, sparked in part by success stories such as that of George Soros and the billions he netted by short selling the British pound. In The Art of Short Selling, Kathryn Staley, an expert in the field, examines the essentials of this important investment vehicle, providing a comprehensive game plan with which you can effectively play--and win--the short selling game.

Whether used as a means of hedging bets, decreasing the volatility of total returns, or improving returns, short selling must be handled with care--and with the right know-how. As Staley points out, "Short selling is not for the faint of heart. If a stock moves against the position holder, the effect on a portfolio and net worth can be devastating. Investors need to understand the impact on their accounts as well as the consequences of getting bought in before they indulge in short selling." The Art of Short Selling guides you--clearly and concisely--through the ins and outs of this high-risk, high-stakes game.

The first--and most important--move in selling short is to identify flaws in a business before its share prices drop. To help you tackle this key step, Staley shows you how to evaluate company financial statements and balance sheets, make sense of return ratios, detect inconsistencies in inventory, and analyze the statement of cash flows. Through real-world examples that illustrate the shorting of bubble, high multiple growth, and theme stocks, you'll proceed step by step through the complete process and learn to carry out all the essentials for a successful short sell, including quantifying the risk factor and orchestrating correct timing, as well as implementing advanced valuation techniques to execute the sell/buy.

Packed with landmark, cutting-edge examples, up-to-the-minute guidelines, and pertinent regulations, The Art of Short Selling is a timely and comprehensive reference that arms you with the necessary tools to make a prepared and confident entrance onto the short selling playing field.

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