Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Something Remains by Inge Barth-Grozinger

Something Remains by Inge Barth-Grozinger

Something Remains

Something Remains by Inge Barth-Grozinger PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Erich Levi doesn’t understand why his father is so gloomy when the Nazis are elected to power. He’s too concerned with keeping his grades up, finding time to hang out by the river with his friends, and studying for his bar mitzvah, to worry about politics.

But slowly, gradually, things begin to change for Erich.  Some of the teachers begin to grade him unfairly – because he’s Jewish.  The Hitler Youth boys in his class bully him, and he's excluded from sporting events and celebrations. His whole world seems to be crumbling: at school, and at home, where money is tight because no one wants to do business with a Jewish family. 

Not everyone is so cruel, though, and many of the Levis’ friends and neighbors remain fiercely loyal at great risk to themselves. With good people still around, Erich can’t believe the situation will last, and stubbornly holds onto his dreams – even as his homeland becomes a dangerous and alien place.

Inge Barth-Grözinger has brilliantly recreated the life of a Jewish family in a small German town during the Nazi era. Something Remains provides, with terrible, everyday detail, an answer to the impossible question: how could the Holocaust have happened?

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